Building Blocks Family Centre
Building the foundations of our families’ future
We can offer your child a range of environments to explore and play safely. With dedicated services for babies and toddlers (0-2years), a play room for children ages 2-4 years, after school care (for 3-12 years), wrap around care (3-4 years) and our holiday clubs Kids Block (3-7 years), and Youth Block (8-12 years).
Family Support
We want to help your family get the best start to build a strong future. We achieve this by providing a range of support services. Please click here to find out more.
Get Involved
You can get involved with Building Blocks Family Centre in many different ways, like volunteering, being a part of our appeals, hosting fundraising events, becoming a member or sponsoring. There’s opportunities for everyone, including businesses.
About Us
In 2001, four young mothers had a problem, this problem was to access affordable childcare locally. This meant that they needed a solution to fix the problem, the idea was to provide childcare in the local community. It became clear that the only way to achieve this idea was to do it themselves. This is where the journey begins.
Our Family Centre. Our Family. Our Community
Building Blocks Family Centre provides a dedicated family support service i to families, children and young people living in poverty or who are a disadvantage living in the Neath Port Talbot area.
Building the foundations of our families’ future
Children with disabilities
We provide a range of support for children with disabilities, offering one to one childcare support, counselling services, play and social opportunities and so much more!
Children and Young People
We offer a range of services from childcare, through to play opportunities, youth forum and peer support groups, giving children a voice and opportunity to develop in a nurturing and safe environment.
We provide a number of family support services to help empower families and ensure that they receive the support they need to be the best they can be. From delivering parenting support, challenging behaviour guidance and advice and any other support a family needs.
Food Bank
We offer a food bank to the families of Neath Port Talbot, we provide a delivery service to those who struggle to physically get to a local food bank and work in partnership with our neighbouring food banks.
Did you know that Building Blocks Family Centre is s a Charity?
We are registered charity (1101314) and this means the services we provide are created and developed in partnership with the families, children and young people who use our services. Many of our services are free of charge due to generosity of our funders and public donations and the services we do charge for all the income raised goes back into the charity helping to sustain local employment and are our ongoing support.
Who can use our services?
Anyone who is a resident in Neath Port Talbot can access our services, if you are a parent, carer, grandparent, auntie, uncle, sister, brother, child, young people and children and young people with disabilities you can access our services. If you think we can help please get in touch on 01639 710076 or email:
Are all our services free?
The majority of our services are free however as a social enterprise and to keep the charity running we do charge for our childcare services, venue hire and professional training. If you are struggling though please take the time to talk to us and we always look for the best ways to help and look for any support you and your family are entitled. To find out more please ring 01639 710076 or email:
Can I volunteer or fundraise for you?
Yes please, we are always looking for support from volunteers from helping in our food bank, childcare, admin team and project services. Any time you are willing to spare would be really useful to us.
Read Our Latest News
Press Release – The Moondance Foundation supports Building Blocks Family Centre with £18,000 to fund our Counselling Service for children and young people with Disabilities.
The funding will cover the salary of our qualified counsellor at 16 hours per week, enabling us to offer 300 hours of counselling sessions specifically tailored to children and young people with disabilities.Children and young people with disabilities face a number of...
What’s been going on in BBFC? – August 22 Update
It's been a busy few months for us here at BBFC. We have had so much going on: Staffing We welcomed Ceri Siddley and Lauren Jones to the team. You will see Ceri and Lauren on our front desk. Hannah has joined our Growth and Mindset Project. Hannah has been going out...
UK Community Renewal Fund – Third Sector Grant Scheme
We have been successful in securing ££23,477.75 from UK Community Renewal Fund - Third Sector Grant Scheme to deliver a number of courses in the community for parents to help them upskill and improve their quality of life. The project is running from June until...